24 Hour Guitar Pick Flash Sale!
Here is a quickie for all of you! Save 25% up to an $85 savings during our 24 hour October Custom Guitar Pick Flash Sale! This sale will begin at 1pm (EST) today and last until 1pm (EST) tomorrow (10-21-20). This sale is for all custom guitar pick purchases and is available for 24 hours only. It’s the perfect time to save big on custom guitar picks.
Hopefully all of you are hanging in there during these rough times. We are all missing live music and hope for it’s quick return. We love seeing our custom guitar picks get thrown from the stage during a live show and we know all of you enjoy catching and or throwing them. Take advantage of our October Custom Guitar Pick Flash Sale and share some picks with your fans.
This sale cannot be combined with any other discounts or artist pricing. ALL TIMES ARE EASTERN STANDARD TIME
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The company behind a product is important, but the product itself is just as important. We take great pride in our InTune® brand guitar picks with quality and dependability being a high priority. Our brand of custom guitar picks are manufactured to provide a consistent, reliable product that is suited for all levels of musicians.